Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Carrying Out Action Plans

Previously we have emailed Delegate Lionell Spruill Sr. and Delegate Rosalyn Dance, as well as, Senator Mark Warner and Senator Jim Webb.  Senator Mark Warner responded to our email and commented that he looks forward to reading our posts and encourages our support for this bill.  Senator Mark Warner stated that our voice is important to him and includes that faces enormous challenges as a Senator.  In his response, he invited us to sign up for his newsletter, and we encourage others to sign up for his newsletter at the following website
We have created a Twitter account in order to bring this current healthcare issue to the public’s attention. Through Twitter we can follow other health organizations and health professionals, as well as, allow them to follow us. This enables our followers to get updated information regarding the bill and its progression as well as allowing them to see our position and current information.  Please follow us on Twitter @School_Nurse6
We have received multiple tweets reacting to our tweets regarding the school nurse to student ratio. One response was interested in the current ratio in Virginia. Another fellow tweeter, an RN and a blogger at Dr.Oz, responded with interest and mentioned us to Dr.Oz’s blog to help us spread the world. An additional follower stated that she felt that a school nurse was never around when she needed one and very encourages this bill. It is very important that the word is spread and that we hear about the issues that students have or had while they were growing up because these ideas can be passed on through this blog, tweets, and emails and can be used to impact the passage of this bill. We will continue to tweet and update the twitter and this blog with information about the bill.
Many fellow bloggers agree with the idea that the nurse to student ratio needs to be decreased. One blog comment brought up an interesting point regarding how the nurses feel about the current ratio. They stated that this large ratio could be overwhelming for the nurses and questioned about what would happen in an emergency situation. Therefore we will continue to tweet and encourage school nurses to follow us and state their feelings towards the bills’ issue.  An additional blog comment stated that they are currently blogging on this issue as well, and made a great suggestion about combining our ideas to further promote our information.
Our blog experience has been a positive influence on our nursing careers, by first providing ourselves with an additional means of professional communication, and second by promoting discussion about our blog as well as may others. It has also opened our eyes to the thought of being involved in healthcare issues as a nurse. Through this experience, we now realize that a nurse can have a strong political voice and really make a difference. We know that we are the primary advocates for patients and that our voice is very important. In addition, we have learned that nursing is not solely confined to a hospital but also involves the community as a whole and provides numerous opportunities to help vulnerable populations. Us nurses have the abilities to positively impact patients and vulnerable populations through our extensive knowledge and skills, and now, through this blog, we have evolved to provide support politically as well.